Are you ready to make this the best summer ever? The summer of fun photos, lifelong memories, exciting adventures, and silly laughs? Check out our list of 40 fun activities to enjoy with your dog this summer!

Pack a picnic for you and your dog. (Our Watermelon YUCKY PUPPY poop bag holders do double duty on picnics–a clean one serves to hold wet cloths.)
Take your dog to the lake.
Enjoy a nap together beneath a tree.
Find out if any baseball teams in your area have a dog day!
Set up a pup photo session in the wildflowers.
Make a homemade frozen treat–for you and your dog.
Enjoy a hike you’ve always meant to take.
Enjoy a weenie roast at a campfire.
Take a selfie together at sunrise.
Visit your local pet supply store with your dog.
Vacation at the beach.
Take a photo every day this summer.
Build a sandbox and hide dog treats and chews in the sand.
Take your dog to a “pick your own” orchard.
Dog paddle side by side.

Dine together at a dog-friendly patio restaurant.
Use a bubble maker to create catnip-scented bubbles for your dog to chase..
Do some stargazing together.
Visit a farmers’ market together.
Create matching bandanas for you both.
Read aloud to your dog.
Play in a sprinkler together.
Teach your dog a new trick.
Buy a new collar in tropical colors.
Play hide and seek.
Draw a picture of your dog.
Take a nose print!
Learn some TTouch to give your dog a massage.
Hire a pro to photograph you and your dog together.
Sign up for a training class.
Make a braided dog toy out of your old t-shirt.
Try a dog sport you’ve never tried before like agility or Treibball.
Take your dog’s paw print.
Go wading.
Go geocaching together.
Camp in your backyard together.
Walk a new route.
Arrange a dog party.
Plan a dog day trip with a friend who has a dog.
Make a photo journal of your summer fun.