75-Gallon Aquarium: Our Top Five Best Picks

A 75-gallon aquarium is one of the larger home tanks that you can choose, and a setup of that size gives you a lot of choices when it comes to selecting what fish species to keep. Larger tanks mean that you can choose to house bigger, show specimens in a species-specific aquarium, or you might prefer to keep shoals of smaller, brightly-colored fishes to create a whirling kaleidoscope of brilliance that’s sure to be a focal point in your home.

It’s an urban myth to assume that a small tank is easier to look after. Although at first a 10-gallon or nano tank may look like a more manageable option, larger aquariums are actually easier to care for and manage. That’s because the more water there is in the tank, the more stable the water conditions are likely to be. So, you can see that a 75-gallon fish tank is a perfect size for both experienced hobbyists and beginners, too.

In this guide, we’ve reviewed five of the best 75-gallon fish tanks that are currently on the market. Once you’ve chosen your tank, you’ll want some ideas on what species to keep in it, and we have some inspiration for you on that too!

Best 75-gallon aquariums

First of all, let’s take a look at five of the best 75-gallon aquariums that are currently on the market.

1. Aquarium Masters Edge 75-Gallon Rimless Aquarium

The Aquarium Masters Edge 75-gallon Rimless Aquarium is constructed using high-quality materials that give you superb clarity and durability.

The front panel of the tank is made of Opti-Pure Ultra-Clear glass, smartly finished with black framing. The edges of the glass are diamond-polished for safety and stability, and the glass is sealed with a commercial-grade black silicone to prevent leaks and distortion. The tank is compatible with many different lighting systems, too, allowing you to completely customize the look of your setup to suit the needs of your chosen plants and fish.

The aquarium measures 48 x 18 x 20 inches and has an empty weight of 145.2 pounds.

What we like:

  • Smart, well-made tank
  • Commercial-grade silicone seals
  • Completely customizable

Room for improvement:

  • Doesn’t include any equipment, so you need to buy everything you need separately

2. Aquarium Masters Edge 74-Gallon Tower Rimless Reef

Aquarium Masters Edge 74 Gallon Tower Rimless Reef Ready Aquarium with Plumbing Kit, for Marine…

  • Opti-Pure ultra clear glass, diamond polished edges, distortion free glass, rimless top, black frame bottom, corner overflow, patented flow rate system
  • Dimensions/Size: 24″x24″x30″; Weight: 145.2 lbs
  • Aquarium Masters Edge Rimless Reef Ready Aquariums are assembled with the highest quality material available. With beauty and functionality every aquarium is rigorously inspected to exceed industry…

Here is another very high-quality tank from Aquarium Masters, but this one is specially designed for use as a saltwater setup.

The U.S.-made Tower Rimless Reef aquarium is made using an Opti-Pure Ultra-Clear glass front panel for a distortion-free view of your fish and other marine creatures. With the exception of lighting and heating, this tank comes with pretty much everything that you need to get your tank up and running, including a reef-ready plumbing kit.

The aquarium is designed with a corner overflow and patented flow-rate system, and the whole thing is finished with a stylish black frame bottom. For safety and stability, the edges of the rimless top are diamond-polished, and to ensure that the tank is free-from leaks, commercial-grade black silicone sealant is used.

The tank measures 24 x 24 x 30 inches, and its empty weight is 145.2 pounds.

What we like:

  • Super quiet operation
  • Compatible for use with a wide variety of filters, refugium, sumps, and lighting units

Room for improvement:

  • Limited availability

3. Clear-For-Life UniQuarium 75R Rect

Although large aquariums don’t generally come as a complete starter kit, the Clear-For-Life Uniquarium 75-gallon aquarium does include some good quality equipment to get you off to a good start. That makes this one of the most cost-effective large fish tanks on the market.

The U.S.-made aquarium is very easy to set up and includes a built-in filtration system. The back panel is an attractive sapphire blue color with rounded corners, and the tank is finished with a leak-proof sealant for safety. Also, for your peace of mind, the fish tank comes with a lifetime guarantee.

The aquarium measures 48 x 15 x 24 inches.

What we like:

  • Excellent value for money
  • High-quality materials used
  • Easy to set up and maintain
  • Filtration unit included

Room for improvement:

  • Limited availability

4. SeaClear Acrylic Aquarium Combo Set

The SeaClear Acrylic aquarium is suitable for use with tropical and coldwater freshwater and marine fish. SeaClear makes extremely high-quality fish tanks, and this example is no exception, coming complete with an extensive warranty, reflector, and electrical 24-inch light fixture.

This acrylic tank is much lighter than glass equivalents, but it’s stronger and less prone to cracking, even under stress from earthquake tremors. Also, acrylic is clearer than glass, providing you with an even better view of your fish. If you have little kids or pets in your household, acrylic is much safer than glass, too, as it’s much less likely to chip or crack.

This rectangular aquarium measures 36 x 15 x 20 inches.

What we like:

  • Excellent quality
  • Includes reflector and light fixture
  • Acrylic so strong and robust

Room for improvement:

  • Doesn’t come with any additional kit
  • Limited availability

5. Aqueon Standard Glass 75-Gallon Aquarium

Aqueon Standard Glass 75-Gallon Aquarium

Aqueon produces very high-quality glass fish tanks that can be fully customized for use with freshwater or marine inhabitants.

This 75-gallon standard aquarium is trimmed with smart matte black around the rim and base and is reinforced with a central brace for added strength. Although the tank doesn’t come with any extra kit, it’s customizable with any form of filtration system, heater, and lighting unit. Note that you do need to purchase a hood to go with the tank.

The rectangular aquarium measures 48 x 15 x 24 inches.

What we like:

  • High-quality product
  • Fully customizable

Room for improvement:

  • Some users reported that the sealant leaked at the fill line

What does a 75-gallon tank weigh?

Where to keep your fish tank is a crucial consideration for the safety of both your fish, your family, and your home.

If you put the tank somewhere too warm or too cold, the fishes’ health will suffer. If you place the aquarium on a flimsy piece of furniture or weak flooring, the whole lot could end up falling onto the ground and smashing. And, if you choose to site your fish tank in the center of a room or too close to a doorway, small kids or pets could run into the aquarium, potentially injuring themselves and knocking the tank over.

The weight of your fish tank will also dictate where you put it. Ideally, you should place a large aquarium on a suitable piece of purpose-built furniture that’s designed to take the weight.

A 75-gallon tank is large, typically measuring around 48 x 18 x 24 inches for a rectangular aquarium. And a big tank is heavy too. A traditional 75-gallon glass aquarium weighs around 140 pounds when empty and at least 850 pounds when full of water. You must also factor in additional weight for decorations, plants, and fish.

What equipment do you need?

Most large fish tanks don’t come with other equipment included, so you’ll need to buy what you need separately. Although that does add to the cost of your setup, buying any additional kit does allow you to customize the setup exactly as you want it.

So, what kind of equipment are you likely to need to go with your new 75- gallon fish tank?

Filtration system

Regardless of its size, every aquarium needs a filtration system. The filter is crucial to the health and cleanliness of your tank, removing debris from the water, housing beneficial bacteria that process harmful substances, including ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates, and helping to aerate the water.

When choosing a filter, make sure that the unit is powerful enough to circulate all the water throughout the tank at a rate of at least four times per hour. There are a few different types of filters to choose from, although canister filters are probably best for a large tank.


If you plan to keep tropical fish, you will need a heater. Again, there are lots of heaters to choose from, but you’ll need one of at least 300W to heat the water evenly throughout a large tank.

Ideally, you should put the heater close to the filter pump so that the heated water is circulated most efficiently throughout the tank.

You’ll also need an aquarium thermometer so that you can monitor the water temperature.

Lighting unit

Some fish tanks come with an integral lighting unit inside the tank lid or hood. However, if the tank you’ve chosen doesn’t have that, you’ll need to buy one.

When choosing lights, bear in mind that some fish don’t appreciate bright lights, whereas some plant species need high lighting levels to thrive. So, consider what livestock you plan to keep before choosing a lighting unit.

Aquarium stand

As previously mentioned, you should keep a large aquarium on a specially constructed stand that will support the aquarium’s weight.

Some fish tanks come complete with stands, which is the most cost-effective way of buying one, although you could build your own stand if you’re good at DIY.

Tank lid or hood

If the tank you choose doesn’t come with a hood or lid, you should get one. Lids are important for several reasons:

  • Some fish tend to jump, and a tightly fitting lid will prevent your pets from escaping.
  • A lid will keep dust, flies, and curious pets and kids’ fingers out of the tank.
  • A lid will slow down the process of evaporation.
  • A tank hood houses your lighting unit.
  • A hood can help to keep heat inside the tank.

Make sure that your chosen lid has a feeding hatch so that you can easily feed your fish.

75-gallon aquarium stocking ideas

One of the big advantages of having a large tank is that you can keep a nice variety of fish, including one or two bigger specimens, to add drama to the setup. You could even choose one super-sized fish to keep in a single-specimen tank, augmented by imaginative aquascaping and planting.

However, most people choose to go for a community setup. Before you buy your fish, you’ll need to do lots of research to make sure that you choose species that are compatible in terms of their behaviors, diet, habitat, and water parameters.

You should also bear in mind that the young fish you generally find in fish stores can grow to a much larger size when fully mature. Ideally, you don’t want to buy tiny fish to mix with larger species, as the little guys could finish up as lunch! Choose fish species that hang out in different areas of the water column, too. That avoids potential competition for territory and helps to create action throughout the habitat.

You’ll find plenty of information and inspiration right here on our website, or you can ask in your local fish store for guidance.

Coldwater tanks

If you want to go for a coldwater aquarium, your options are more limited than if you were to choose a tropical setup. However, there are plenty of coldwater fish that you could include, such as fancy goldfish, Zebra Danios, and Weather loaches. Also, White Cloud Minnows and some species of barbs will tolerate cooler water conditions.

Tropical tanks

When it comes to choosing tropical fish species for inclusion in a 75-gallon aquarium, the world is your oyster!

You can create a nice setup that has lots of activity and color by mixing several shoals of different tetra species. For extra color and interest, try adding a small group of five or six dwarf gouramis or perhaps some livebearers, such as mollies, platys, or swordtails. To create interest at the bottom of the tank, Corydoras catfish make a cute and easy-care addition.

Many varieties of tropical fish are easy to breed, too, so you may even be able to raise your own stock if you invest in a smaller spawning tank as an extension to your hobby.

Marine and reef tanks

Although keeping marine species is more challenging and you need more specialist equipment than you do for coldwater or tropical tanks, the range of colors and forms of creatures that you can keep is incredible.

You could keep it simple and go for a fish-only tank, or you may prefer to spice it up by including invertebrates, such as shrimp, crabs, and other crustaceans in the setup. If you keep a reef tank, you’ll have living rocks, corals, sponges, anemones, as well as fish and invertebrates to enjoy.

In conclusion

75 gallon freshwater aquarium

A 75-gallon fish tank gives you lots of scope to keep a wide range of fish species and branch out into marines or a reef tank if you fancy the challenge.

All the tanks that we’ve reviewed are considered to be of high-quality and will provide a comfortable, spacious home for your fish for many years to come. As with most large tanks, you’ll need to buy most of the supplementary equipment that you need separately, as bigger aquariums don’t usually come in kit form. However, that does allow you to create a totally customized setup to perfectly suit your choice of fish and plants.


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