Best Natural Ways To get Rid of Fleas On Dogs

Fleas are tiny creatures, usually less than 3/16 inches long. These pesky parasites are very active and move freely on the body of their host; additionally, Fleas can survive for weeks without eating at all, they spend much of their time off the animal, hiding in cracks, rugs, in the nap of carpets, in soil, or grass.

Studies have shown that 5% of the fleas that infest your home are adults, while the other 95% contains flea eggs (50%), larvae (35%), and pupae (10%), Many conventional pesticides used to eradicate these pests kill only adult fleas, leaving 95 percent of the flea problem untreated which results in re-infestation.

Natural ways to get rid of fleas

Fortunately, there are many natural ways to treat your pets and home for these blood-sucking parasites without risking their health or the health of your family.

Many of these easy to follow techniques and remedies are easy to make, and only require common ingredients that you can find in your kitchen.

Start these treatments before flea season and keep applying them regularly before resorting to flea medicines.

1. Nutrition

Fleas tend to feast on weak or malnourished animals. Premium-quality dog food makes your pet healthier and less appealing to fleas and all kinds of parasites.

Brewer’s Yeast

An efficient way to prevent parasites from taking up residence on your four-legged friend is by rubbing brewer’s yeast into your pet’s coat. Yeast can also be added to a pet’s dinner bowl, mixing yeast with your dog’s food is thought to be effective in repelling fleas.


Small doses of Garlic can help fight fleas, Garlic has antimicrobial properties that can decrease risks of bacterial and fungal infections, and it makes the puppy’s blood inedible for the fleas.

Add a minimal amount of garlic powder in your pet’s food (no more than a pinch) every day to help repel bugs of all kinds. Don’t give Garlic to your animal if he or she is anemic- it can thin the blood.

2. Natural flea repellent for dogs

Not only are these remedies an all-natural, more affordable alternative to topical flea treatments, they are also easy to make yourself at home.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are pure plant distillates and extracts derived from the flowers, leaves, stems, berries, rinds, resins, or roots of plants. These oils have long been used in traditional medicine and aromatherapy for humans and animals.

Since our dogs have a much more sensitive sense of smell than we do, be cautious when using oils on animals. A good rule to follow is that if it smells too strong to you, it is too strong for the animal and should be diluted with a carrier oil or water. This goes for any recipe that involves oils.

You can either add the following recipe to 8 oz. (240 ml) of an all-natural shampoo to make a flea-repellent shampoo or to 2 oz. of a base oil to make an oil blend.


  • 2 drops Citronella
  • 1-2 drops Lemon
  • 1-2 drops Clary Sage
  • 2-3 drops of Peppermint

Apply a few drops of the oil blend to the neck, back, chest, legs, and tail of your dog. You can also add a few drops to your dog’s cotton collar or bandanna to make an aromatic flea collar. This recipe can be used for any age dog, but check with a health professional if your pet is very young, very old, or suffers from sensitive skin.

Garlic Flea Repellent Spray for Your Home & Gardena

  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed
  • tablespoon vegetable oil
  • liter water
  • 1 teaspoon liquid  dishwashing soap

Combine the garlic and vegetable oil and leave to soak overnight. Strain and add to the water along with the liquid soap. Spray regularly.

Chamomile Flea Spray

  • 1 Tbsp. Dried Chamomile
  • 1 Tbsp. Dried Valerian
  • 1 Tbsp. Dried Licorice
  • 1/2 C. witch hazel

Prepare an infusion of the herbs by boiling 2 cups of water and placing the herbs in the water.

Allow the herbs to steep until the water is cold. Mix the infusion with the witch hazel. Mist your dog with this solution daily during flea season.

After-bath Lemon Rinse

You can use Lemon juice and water in equal amounts. (Concentrated real lemon juice or fresh squeezed lemons).

Bathe your pet with a mild shampoo and rinse with the lemon mixture. Re-apply once a month during flea season (mid to late summer).

3. Housekeeping

Fleas can reproduce outside the animal. As long as the female manages to obtain fresh blood, the eggs can be laid anywhere and eventually hatched under favorable conditions. Therefore, even if you manage to eliminate fleas from your dog successfully, there’s a good chance that your house still has a few lurking around. That being said, the following are some tips to get rid of the fleas in your home completely.


Fleas spend most of their time lurking in the nap of your carpet. You can eliminate up to 50% of flea eggs in a single pass with a vacuum. Pay attention to any areas where your pets sleep and remember to clean underneath sofas, chairs, and other furniture.

Bear in mind to seal and remove vacuum bags after a cleaning session. Vacuum every week during the year and then vacuum daily in late summer and early fall when flea populations increase.

In addition to regular vacuuming, you can use safe and highly effective, common ingredients on your carpeting like – Salt, Borax, mothballs, and Diatomaceous earth- to eliminate even more fleas.

Wash your mattress and blankets

Wash your mattress, rugs, and curtains, all of your puppy’s bedding, toys, pillows, and blankets. It’s even better to dry-clean them. Wash everything at a temperature of at least 50 degrees Celsius (the higher, the better, because fleas are very tenacious).

Are natural solutions effective enough to completely treat fleas?

For mild or light infestations, using natural flea remedies will surely help in getting rid of fleas with no need to use topical treatments. However, for a severe infestation, it would be crucial to opt for flea products.

Final Thoughts

A very healthy pet on a great diet is unlikely to get fleas. The best way to prevent fleas is to promote the immune system of your fur friend through nutrition, exercise, and holistic treatment.

Written By: Walter Perez, the owner of


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