Cats and children: tips for living together

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16.11.2019 Jekyll1911 Cat keeping

Children and cats can be a great team – if you follow some rules. The first question is: Who was first? He will want to claim the higher rights for himself in any case. If you already have a house tiger and then have a baby, you have to make the cat understand that your child is not an intruder, but a new family member.

Tips: House tigers and children

If you already have a baby and would like to buy a pet now, the children should also understand how to deal with the cat. Clear rules are important. Above all, your child should be aware that an animal is not a toy, but a living being. The fact that the velvet paw pulls at the tail or similar things should be taboo from the outset.

It should also be clear that the child leaves the cat alone when she is sleeping or eating, for example. Cats also need privacy when they are in the toilet.

This is how living together with cats works

Of course, living together in your family should not only be determined by prohibitions. It is just as important that you introduce your children to the correct handling of an animal. The little ones have to learn how to understand the signals of the house tigers. The correct interpretation of the body language of cats is the be-all and end-all for relaxed interaction with each other.

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