Children and Pets: Safety Tips

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Children and Pets: Safety Tips

Pets surely can make us sick, but that the precise reason for taking precautions. Pets keep children active giving us time to perform important chores at home. In addition, they are a joy having at our homes and are worth our every penny.

It is true that pets can transmit infections to kids and even adults. Children less than five years are particularly susceptible to infections transmitted by pets.

Some of the common bacteria and virus transmitted from animals to humans include:

Lyme Disease:  Ticks carry and transmit this disease. These parasites can be hosted by your pet, increasing the chances of getting into contact with our overall family.

Toxoplasma: This bacteria is found mostly in cat stools. If in contact with an infant it can cause damage to the brain and the eyes. An infected expectant woman can transmit the disease to her unborn baby. The consequences lead to mental and physical problems to the infant.

Rabies: This virus is fatal. Wild animals are the primary carriers of this disease, but can be spread to pets too. It is transmitted to people through bites and scratches from infected animals.

Chlamydia Pssittach: This bacteria leads to a pneumonia infection. Birds droppings are primary mode of transimision. The disease is passed to humans when they breathe dust from these animal droppings

Worms: These small creatures get spread through contact with infected stool. The side effect of infection includes fever, brain infections and allergic infections to eyes and liver.

To prevent you and your kids from getting ill:

  1. Visit a veterinarian after purchasing a new pet.
  2. Have regular visits to a veterinarian for checkups and de-worming against worm infestation.
  3. pets bathing area should be a no go zone for children.
  4. Do not let your pet to visit your bathroom or drink water from the toilet.

Keep young children away from young puppies and kittens that are barely than a year old. Children should be restrained away from pets with symptoms of diarrhea.

Working with animals is certainly a very attractive activity. It’s though very important to remember you are working with animals. Animals change the mood and are sometimes very unpredictable. This is notably while they are visiting the veterinary office or a new family member certainly arrives.

It is therefore of importance to ensure safety while handling animals at all times. You can well minimize the risk of injury by adhering to these animal safety guidelines:

Take caution while approaching all animals

Animals as earlier said can be unpredictable. Avoid blind spots and approach animals in a slow and a friendly approach to avoid frightening them. Talk to pets softly so as to inform them of your approach. Sudden approaches frighten animals and thus they seek for defense. Regardless of the animal always remember to approach them in a friendly manner.

Dispose animal and medical waste appropriately

Take extreme caution while you are handling any hazardous medical equipments. These include syringes, needles and chemicals. Dispose of the animal stool properly to avoid contamination and the spread of diseases.Consider setting a well restricted central place to dispose off all the animal wastes.

Always restrain animals properly

Securing of animals, no matter the size helps to avoid accidents and mere physical injuries. Pets like dogs should be muzzled while cats can be wrapped in towels to ensure their comfort. Always ensure your animals are less nervous to avoid attacks.

Wear protective equipments always while handling pets

Protective equipment includes latex gloves and aprons. They are incredibly helpful when cleaning or disposing off animal waste (stool). Protective equipment helps extremely to minimize the chances of injury and infections. If there is any protective product in the market, consider taking advantage of the offer to stay safe.

Study the behavior of your pet carefully

Pet owners should take and pay constant attention to the behavior signals displayed by their pets. It is paramount to recognize negative body language portrayed by animals. Dogs for example, growl and bare their teeth when threatened or nervous. Be sure to learn and recognize unusual animal behaviors to handle them well.

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