Coffee Dog Names

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Are you a coffee lover–or even a coffee aficionado? Then you just might want to combine your loves and give your new dog a coffee related name! We’ve fetched coffee dog names from coffee drinks (including some that you may not know!), Starbucks terminology and coffee around the world.

Coffee Dog NamesCoffee Dog Names

Coffee Drinks as Cute Names

  • Affogato: literally “drowned in coffee,” this Italian dessert combines gelato and espresso.
  • Americano: Caffè Americano
  • Babycinno: A children’s (non-coffee) drink made with frothed milk and warm milk with a sprinkling of chocolate powder; a fun name for a white dog.
  • Breve: Espresso with either half-and-half or cream, this drink’s name is Italian for “short”–a fun option for a Corgi, perhaps!
  • Café au lait: coffee with hot milk; a cute dog name for a light brown dog..
  • Cappuccino: Made with espresso and steamed milk foam, this is a layered drink and a fun name for a brown and white or black and white dog.
  • Doppio: “double” in Italian, this term is used for a double shot of espresso.
  • Espresso: A fun name for a dark brown or black down, don’t forget it is pronounced es-PRESS-o (not ex-press-o!)
  • Frappé: An iced coffee drink made from instant coffee.
  • Guillermo: Guillermo is espresso poured over two slices of lime.
  • Javaccino: An ice coffee drink; another term for Frappe.
  • Latte: Like a cappuccino, the latte is made with espresso and steamed milk but they are combined to create a light brown drink.
  • Lungo: a espresso shot extracted for a longer time
  • Macchiato: Meaning “stained” or “spotted” in Italian, this drink of espresso and milk would be a fun coffee name for a merle, brindle or speckled dog.
  • Melya: Coffee with cocoa powder and honey–a cute choice for a sweet dog!
  • Mocha: Featuring espresso, chocolate and whipped cream, Mocha would make a fun name for a multi-colored puppy.
  • Nitro: Nitro coffee features cold brewed coffee infused with liquid nitrogen with a velvety texture.
  • Panna: Espresso con Panna or an espresso shot with whipped cream (a fun choice for a black and white or brown and white dog!)
  • Roberto: Espresso with milk served on the side.
  • Romano: Espresso Romano is espresso with a slice of lemon on the side.
  • Tiramisu: A layered Italian dessert with espresso or instant espresso.
  • Zorro: A Cafe Zorro is a double shot of espresso.

Coffee Terms & Coffee Culture

Coffee Related Dog Names from Coffee Terms and CultureCoffee Related Dog Names from Coffee Terms and Culture
  • Barista: A coffee server
  • Baristi: The Italian (masculine) plural of barista, a good choice if you are looking for a coffee dog name that ends in the Y sound.
  • Beanie: for the mighty coffee bean
  • Beanz: a fun play on coffee beans
  • Blend: the combination of different coffee beans, this would be a great name for a mixed breed dog.
  • Brew
  • Brewtus
  • Cafetière: a French press
  • Caffè: coffee in Italian
  • Caffeine: for the energized puppy
  • Cuppa: “cup of”
  • Crema: the creamy froth on the top of an espresso
  • Decaf: Decaffeinated, a fun name for a laid-back dog!
  • Go Juice: a coffee nickname that could also be a highly energized dog
  • Grind
  • Java: The island of Java lends its name as the most popular nickname for coffee.
  • Joe: Cup of Joe. This might be one of the cutest one-syllable coffee related dog names.
  • Mojo
  • Moka: A Moka Pot used to make espresso on the stove.
  • Roaster: for the roasting of the green coffee beans into coffee

Starbucks Words that Make Cute Names

  • Brulée: The Caramel Brulée Latte is on the Starbucks secret menu.
  • Demi: The 3-ounce size for espresso shots, consider this name for tiny dogs–or as a fun choice for an extra-large pup!
  • Frappuccino: The line of the Starbucks iced coffee drinks.
  • Grande: Italian for “large,” this, of course, isn’t the largest Starbucks coffee–so it might be a good choice for a dog who is not quite as large as he thinks he is!
  • Misto: Caffe Misto (Cafe Au Lait) combines coffee and frothed milk for a light brown drink.
  • Pike Place: A Seattle farmers’ market and the name of the best known Starbucks medium roast.
  • Puppuccino: The Starbucks dog treat from the secret menu!
  • Red Eye: This Starbucks drink features coffee and a shot of espresso.
  • Skinny: Whether you choose Skinny Latte or Skinny Mocha, this drink is made with non-fat milk and sugar-free syrup.
  • Starbos: If you’re not familiar with the history of Starbucks, Starbos was the name of an old mining town that caught the eye of the branding expert who worked on the Starbucks logo.
  • Sumatra: An Indonesian island–and the name of the Starbucks single-origin dark coffee.
  • Sunrise: A blonde roast blend.
  • Trenta: The largest of the Starbucks iced drink sizes, this would be a fun name for an extra large dog.
  • Venti: The name of the 20-ounce size Starbucks drink would be a natural choice for large dogs.
  • Veranda: The lightest Starbucks roast.
  • Willow: A discontinued Starbucks blonde roast blend
  • Zebra: The Zebra Mocha combines dark chocolate and white chocolate, another great choice for a black and white dog.

Coffee Words from Around the World

  • Allongé: The French term for a Lungo.
  • Arabica: Coffee arabica is also known as Arabic coffee, originating in the Ethiopian highlands
  • Benguet: Benguet coffee has been grown in the Philippines since the 19th century
  • Barako: a coffee grown in the Philippines (Barako means “stud” for the coffee’s strength and masculinity–a fun name for a sturdy dog!)
  • Bica: a word used in parts of Portugal to describe a drink much like espresso
  • Bicerin: a drink in Turin, Italy that combines espresso, chocolate and milk (a fun name for a tri-color dog!)
  • Buna: Sudanese coffee
  • Jebena: an Ethiopian coffee pot
  • Robusta: Robusta beans are often used in the preparation of espresso.
  • Typica: One of the oldest varieties of coffee

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70+ Coffee Dog Names70+ Coffee Dog Names


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