Dogs and Sandy Beaches: Lava’s Visit to Jersey

Hi, I’m Dr. Maja! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two crossbreed dogs, Lava and Hela.

Lava was born and raised in the countryside. Always running around after cattle and other dogs, rolling in fresh hay, trying to run off into the woods, and often succeeding. But I never thought of her as being a secret beach bum. She wasn’t big on chasing the ball, and would rather find the longest available stick or log, or would try to dig a decent-sized hole and tear through roots and weeds in the process. Until I took her to Jersey, one of the Channel Islands.

Sand Must Feel Good on Paws

Jersey is beautiful! With long sandy beaches on the south coast, cliff paths on the North, and several water reservoirs and woodlands, there is something here for everyone. And Lava, so far being a proper farming and hiking dog with an interest in the forests, hills, and mountains, turned out to actually be a beach dog.

From the first moment she experienced the vast sandy beaches, soft to the touch, and smooth, with the ball rolling away for what seemed like eternity, she couldn’t get enough. Beach walks became our daily routine for the few months we spent in Jersey together, on several occasions. She loved chasing the ball and other dogs, running in and out of the water, being puzzled by the foamy swell and the surfers. And her all-time favorite, the seagulls. Always around to tease the dogs, but out of reach. Lava would run enthusiastically after them, only to return empty-handed, thankfully.

Lava chasing the other dog in the beach

Lava chasing the other dog in the beach

Always Mischievous

The best part of our trip to Jersey was also the time of the year we chose. It was either spring or fall and the beaches were not that busy with people. However, one day we visited Portelet beach with a friend and her dog, and the day started as it usually does. Both dogs were running around like mad on the beach, chasing the ball, seagulls, and each other, as soon as one had anything even remotely interesting in their mouth, like a piece of seaweed. They were having too much fun to care about the few people who came down to the beach.

One of them was a man who sat down on the sand and tried to enjoy the views. There were also some teenagers around whom Lava approached instantly, and they played with her, winding her up. The next minute, despite me calling her and then pretending to be going off in the opposite direction, which usually does the trick, she did the most stupid thing ever. Okay, maybe not the most stupid, as her list of mischievous deeds is rather long, but this one comes in the top three for sure.

Lava standing in the beach

Lava standing in the beach

Luckily, I Don’t Speak Any French

So, one could argue that she obeyed me as she came running towards me at full speed. But, in the process, she literally jumped over the guy sitting down cross-legged on the sand. He was furious, and sand was flying everywhere! I didn’t understand a word he spoke, as it was in French, but I could easily guess what he was trying to tell me. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to sink through the sand. My friend was laughing like crazy. I apologized many times, but seeing that the man was too upset to accept it, we finally walked on. Lava was completely unaware of the chaos she created and continued running around on the beach, having the time of her life.

Lava walking on the sand

Lava walking on the sand

What Now?

Where we live now, there are no sandy beaches. There are beaches that are rocky or covered in pebbles, and they still make her happy, but I wonder if I will manage to find a place she likes as much as she did Jersey, which is just over a 1,000-mile road trip away. I am considering taking her there again sometime in the future, but in the meantime, I’m trying to see what other experiences would compare with this. And I think besides the sandy beaches, snow is Lava’s second best. Despite it being hard to walk in if ankle deep or more, she runs around and rolls in it, and finally looks as happy as she did in Jersey almost two years ago.

This article is a part of Dr. Maja, Lava, and Hela’s series.


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