You are going to want jingle all the way to these dog December 2021 dog events and holidays. December is the perfect time to take a break from the holiday chaos and spend some fun time with Fido. Don’t see your dog event on the list? Email us at and we will include your dog event.
December 2021 DOG Holidays
December 2, 2021: National Mutt Day
December 5, 2021: Celebrate Shelter Pets Day
December 17, 2021: Underdog Day
December 2021 Dog Events and Happenings
All December 2021: 35th San Francisco SPCA/Macy’s Holiday Windows
Check out this annual seasonal adoption program through weekly live cams from 10am to 5 pm. Info at Or, visit Macy’s through January 2 to see the adorable adoptable dogs and cat videos on the main floor plus in the windows. You will also see SF SPCA animal-assisted therapy animals too!
All December 2021: Blue Buffalo/Helen Woodward Animal Center Home 4 the Holidays

Get in on the fun and inspiring annual 3-month adoption campaign that encourages people to choose pet adoption when getting a new family. More information and live pets adopted counter at
All December 2021: Exhibit K-9 Courage
Honors the dogs who worked in response to the 9/11 attacks. View at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum in NY, NY. More at
December 4, 2021: 2021 Reindog Holiday Parade
Downtown St. Joseph, MI. Details at
December 4, 2021: 2021 Breckenridge Colorado Bernese Mountain Dog Holiday Processional
Too adorable is this annual event that takes place from 5pm to 6pm. For details, check out this event on Facebook here.
December 16, 2021: Canines & Cocktails
Join in for this evening of music and fun benefitting the AKC Canine Health foundation, advancing the health of all dogs through funding scientific research to prevent, treat and cure canine disease. Takes place at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, FL, at 7 p.m. More at information click here.
December 18-19, 2021: 2021 AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin
Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL. More at
December 19, 2021: Gaslamp Pet Parade
It’s back. Get out those pet costumes to show of your pet’s holiday spirits to the purrs and wags of others at this furrtastic annual event in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego. Pet Parade Starts 1pm and the Pups in the Pub Party on Island Ave continues the fun from 2 pm to 5pm.Event details and registration at