OWNING A DOG | Things to Know Before Getting a Puppy! | Doctor Mike

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Hey guys, I was taking a look at my videos and I began to feel like I have only highlighted the good/fun stuff of owning a dog without discussing what it’s really like getting a puppy. After all, It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, there are days I’m scrubbing dog doo-doo off of my floor. So, I decided to make a video of 5 things you NEED to know before getting a puppy. I guess you can call this the less than glamorous, behind-the-scenes part of dog ownership; basically, everything I do in taking care of dog If you are considering getting a puppy you must watch this to be prepared for a new puppy. Also, if you know someone who wants to get a puppy this is a MUST share. I hope you like it =]

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