Understanding the uses and benefits of a portable dog potty

Understanding the uses and benefits of a portable dog potty
The Sparky on the Spot uses natural fibres and pressed pine, providing a natural attractant for the dog similar to the great outdoors – all while eliminating odors.

You’ve heard of portable dog potties… but are they worth all the hype? The answer is yes – as long as you invest in the right brand.

Like many other misunderstood products, dog potties get a bad rap. Without even trying them, pet parents make a number of misleading assumptions about these devices, conjecturing that they don’t work, lead to bad potty habits, and other such falsities. But the truth is, dog potties are an extremely clean, convenient tool that makes being a pet parent – and being a dog – a whole lot easier. The key, of course, is to invest in the right brand.

The right brand

Ten years ago, Urban Dog Products released the Sparky on the Spot – a dog potty designed with safety, convenience and cleanliness in mind. Over the past decade, it’s become a trusted brand that pet parents everywhere have come to rely on.

“The Sparky on the Spot was an idea that my husband Jeff had,” says Cynnamon Hodge, co-owner at Urban Dog Products. “In the beginning, it was not a business idea, but was all about us and our dogs’ safety. We live in the city and the last piddle of the night is usually quite late, so safety was a concern. There would be times I was alone to take the dog out, and Jeff would naturally worry. This is when the first model was developed.”

When friends and family members began to admire the Sparky on the Spot, Jeff and Cynnamon decided to turn their invention into a business. They began educating consumers on the wide range of benefits the product offered, and debunking the myths that many had come to believe about dog potties (see sidebar).

Who can benefit?

Once seen as a product created solely for those in high rise apartments, dog potties are becoming much more widely used by people from all walks of life.

New dog parents – Puppies’ bladders take several months to grow and develop. For the first chapter of their lives, they have to relieve themselves at least once every hour, so having a convenient place for them to do their business is a huge time saver (and handy training tool).

Breeders – Portable dog potties are a great way to start litters off on the right “paw”. This hygienic option is more effective and less smelly than pee pads, and doubles as a housebreaking aid that can be recommended to new owners as a way to streamline the training process.

High rise dwellers – The last piddle of the night or inclement weather can sometimes be a challenge for both safety and convenience.

Boaters and van-lifers – What a perfect way to take your dog along for that long trip. No need to put your adventure on pause for a bathroom break if you have a dog potty on your rig!

Dog parents with senior dogs – Senior dogs may begin to lose control of their bladders and perhaps not have the time to make it outside, especially if you live on the 20th floor.

Elderly dog parents – Older pet parents may not be as mobile as they used to be, making it difficult to get their dogs outside regularly.

Dog parents with small dogs – Dogs under 10 lbs have smaller bladders, so if caretakers work long hours, a potty can save a lot of unnecessary accidents.

Making an informed purchase

According to Cynnamon, there are a number of key features pet parents should look for when shopping for a dog potty:

  • Easy to clean or maintenance free
  • Heavy enough that it will not blow away in the wind, or be dragged around by the dog
  • Superior Odor control
  • Environmentally-friendly (ideally biodegradable)
  • Stability – should not tip over when a dog gets on it
  • Has a defined area to step onto (i.e. doesn’t lay flat), so the dog doesn’t associate it with an area rug
  • A low enough edge for your dog to step onto
  • Aesthetically pleasing – blends in with home decor

“All of these points are key features of our Sparky on the Spot – we hit them all!” says Cynnamon. “Over the last 10 years, we have continued to evolve the product by listening to our customers. And, this newest generation, The All Natural Sparky on the Spot, is the most exciting yet!”

To learn more about this one-of-a-kind dog potty, visit sparkyonthespot.com/portable-potty.


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