Why it’s important to maintain your dog’s walking routine during the holidays

Why it’s important to maintain your dog’s walking routine during the holidays

Whatever your plans are this holiday season, be sure to take your dog’s walking routine into account!

Earlier in the year, a lot of dogs were living their best lives. The majority of us were working from home and lapping up better weather. As a result, dogs were getting more attention and enjoying more walks than ever before. However, as the nights drew longer and we begrudgingly trudged back into the office, we began walking our dogs less and less. This shift messed with dogs’ walking routines – something they crave – and left our pooches feeling rather blue. And this is only exacerbated by the holiday season.

Sound familiar? Read on for some practical tips to maintain your dog’s walking routine throughout the holidays and winter months.

Is a walking routine really that important?

There are many reasons why putting one paw in front of the other is so important for your dog. If you’re seeing walks as just an opportunity for your pup to do their business, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Moreover, regardless of how much you play with your dog, their wellbeing is still compromised if you neglect to take them out and about.

Here are some reasons why regular walks are so important for your dog:

Improves their health – A sedentary pooch is at risk of becoming an overweight one pretty quickly. In turn, this can result in an array of health issues. In addition, dogs need an outlet for their pent up energy. Allowing them to let off some steam on a stroll results in a better behaved dog and helps prevent needless weight gain.

Helps them socialize – Walks give your dog the chance to interact with other local puppers. This is invaluable for teaching them how to interact with other dogs and animals. And it’s especially useful if you’re thinking of getting another pet.

It allows you to train them – The idea that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks is bogus. Whatever age your furry friend is, you can and should always be training them or helping them break bad habits. An outdoor space gives you more room to do so and less chance of breaking furniture at home.

Provides mental stimulation – Walking your dog regularly provides them with the mental stimulation needed to enjoy their life to the fullest. Your dog is similar to a child – they want to explore the world and use all their senses. The only way they can scratch that itch is by taking regular walks in a variety of locations.

As you can see, regardless of a busy holiday schedule or sub-zero conditions, it’s vital to maintain a walking routine. And on top of the obvious benefits for the dog, it’s also good for you!

Cherish your dog over the holidays

Depending on your work schedule, holiday commitments, or the weather where you live, winter and the holiday season can be a difficult time for dogs. On top of that, after receiving more attention than ever before due to global lockdowns, this year has been a mixed bag for them.

Therefore, it’s important to remember why walking is so important to your dog’s wellbeing and make a vow to keep it going even during this busy time.

Moreover, while you’re at home, be sure to show your dog the same love and attention you always do. Maybe give them an extra big stocking or a bigger chunk of leftover turkey. This way you can keep their tail wagging after what has been a tumultuous year for both two-legged and four-legged creatures!


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