Where Is Your Dog Hanging Out? #GIVEAWAY

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This post and giveaway are sponsored by Blue Zoca.

For better or worse, there’s no doubt that across the world this has been the year of togetherness. We’re all spending way more time at home these days–and observing our dogs’ behaviors like never before.

One aspect of your dog’s routine you might never have considered, especially if your normal work day was spent out of the house, was just where your dog spends most of his time.

Not only does discovering your dog’s favorite hangouts further enrich your relationship–but it also gives you a heads up in terms of housecleaning, both for where to clean and where to take preventative measures to keep your home clean and comfortable for you AND your dog.

On the Bed

Our dogs LOVE sleeping on the bed, both day and night–and we’re happy to share it with them.

But we just recently learned from Blue Zoca that stains may void a mattress warranty! We had no idea! Stains of any kind may void the warranty on your expensive mattress.

Protect your mattress with a Blue Zoca premium waterproof blanket; its waterproof layer is tucked between two plush layers. Your dog can snuggle up with the reversible, velvety fleece blanket while protecting your mattress from drool, vomit, urine–or soggy dog paws.

On the Couch

In our home, the couch is in the center of the house–so the dogs can hang out there and get a good view of the front door, the TV, the back deck and even the kitchen so no food opportunities are missed!

We’ve had couch covers but a blanket is, by far, the easiest to use–no straps, no belts, no elastic.

And just as great: the Blue Zoca blanket is reversible, so it’s like two covers for the price of one!

On a Dog Bed

Do you struggle with getting covers off your dog’s favorite bed for a quick washing? Premium dog beds come at, well, a premium price so it pays to protect that cover.

Toss a blanket over your dog’s favorite bed to protect it and make it easy to clean daily, if you like!

10 Reasons Your Dog Home Needs a Waterproof Blanket

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Keep your couch, your favorite chair or bed fresh–all while letting your dog enjoy sharing your furniture–with a waterproof blanket. Blue Zoca can protect your furniture from:

  1. Urine. Accidents happen, even to the best trained dogs. And every dog–especially right now when sanitary trims and groomer visits can be few and far between–can come back in the house after a potty stop sporting a little urine.
  2. Pet hair. Shedding happens–but your blanket can easily be tossed in the dryer to remove fur.
  3. Drool. Do you live with a drooler–or a dog who licks his paws (or anything else) frequently? If so, your furniture can be at risk of stains from iron-containing porphyrins, found in drool and tears. (You’re probably very familiar with tear stains on light-furred dogs but similar stains can also be found on dogs who lick their paws.)
  4. Poop. Your dog poops–then heads for the furniture. ‘Nuff said…
  5. Flea dirt. We work as hard as possible to keep our pets flea-free…but we all know that fleas are always a possibility. And where there are fleas, there will be flea “dirt” or excrement. Since the flea’s diet consists of blood, so does flea poop. If those flea droppings get wet, you’ll find your furniture dotted with tiny spots of blood…
  6. Dirt dirt! Dog love to roll in dirt, sand…and unmentionables like the occasional dead lizard (Tiki, we’re looking at you!)
  7. Soggy dogs. Whether from a dip in a doggy pool or a romp in the wet grass, your dog can come back into the house with wet paws and fur.
  8. Quick cleanups. Hurry…company’s on the way right now! Pull off the blanket and the couch looks brand new!
  9. Eau de Dog. In spite of the shampoos, spritzs and sprays, dogs will be dogs…and dog smells will be dog smells…
  10. Food and chews. Does your dog like to get a chew and head to the couch or bed for some serious gnawing? Make sure you don’t have bully stick residue on your comforter or couch by throwing down a waterproof blanket first!

How Blue Zoca Blankets Work

Blue Zoca premium waterproof blankets are specially designed to solve the problems we–and many other pet parents–face daily: keeping pet stains off the bed and couch.

The blankets are soft…not crinkly like old-fashioned waterproof covers!

Which Color Would You Like?

In our home, we have the Merlot/Gray Mist blanket; it is also available in Gray Smoke/Gray Mist and Midnight/Gray Smoke. Each blanket is reversible–so it’s two blankets in one!

Enter to Win!

One lucky reader will win the Blue Zoca blanket in the color of their choice. Entries are limited to US mailing addresses. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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