The Best Toys To Keep Your Pet Busy Indoors

Our pets need physical and mental exercise, just like people. Now more than ever it can be a challenge to keep our pets busy, but there are toys on the market that can help. Take a look at this selection of toys for cats and dogs, designed specially to keep them busy for long stretches of time.

Indoor toys for dogs


The KONG is a classic dog toy that’s a favorite among dogs and pet parents alike for good reason. Its biggest perk is that it’s designed to be stuffed with your pet’s treats – such as peanut butter or even a Freshpet recipe. Your dog will spend hours fishing out the treats and when they’re done you can just pop it in the dishwasher so it’s clean for next time. If you want to skip the treats, an unstuffed KONG is still a great toy because its unpredictable bounce makes for an exciting game of fetch. It’s available in sizes S to XXL, so you can find the right size for your pup to safely play with.

Bacon Bubble Blower Machine

As the name suggests, this battery-powered bubble blower is perfect for any dog – or human – who loves bacon. It can run for hours, creating an endless shower of 100% pet-safe, bacon-scented bubbles that your dog will have a blast chasing as they float through the air. Don’t worry about using this sparingly either – if you run out, you can purchase refills of the bacon bubble solution.

Tornado Puzzle Toy

This interactive food puzzle provides a fun physical and mental challenge for your pup. The three levels of spinning compartments can be filled with your dog’s favorite treats or Freshpet recipe. They will then need to maneuver the tower to open the 12 different compartments to get their treats. Not only will this puzzle keep your dog’s mind active, but it will also slow down the speed at which they eat.

Nylabone Power Chew

The Nylabone Power Chew is made of durable nylon, which will challenge even the most aggressive chewers, and the unique shape of this chew make it perfect for a game of tug-o-war. The texture helps improve your pup’s dental health because when they chew on the ring, the ridges and nubs help prevent plaque and tartar buildup. Plus, it’s made right here in the United States and comes in sizes XXS to XXL!

Indoor toys for cats

Ripple Rug

Does your cat use your furniture as their personal jungle gym? Then you’ll be excited to learn about the Ripple Rug. This multi-function activity center acts as a combined play and sleep space for cats, designed to let them satisfy their instinctive behaviors. Using the two parts of the rug, you can create spaces for your cat to hide, climb, explore, and play. Changing the configuration takes seconds, so you can change things up to keep your cat engaged. And don’t worry about storage, it folds up neatly like a rug when not in use.

Cat Dancer

It’s such a simple concept, but believe us when we say your cat will go wild for it. The Cat Dancer is made from bunches of rolled cardboard attached to steel wire to create a springy lure for your cats to chase. This is a great toy for high energy cats who enjoy “hunting” for their toys – the movement of the wire is as unpredictable as real prey. With the deluxe edition, you also get a mount that can be attached to your wall so that your cat can play with it independently.

BlackHole Litter Mat Interactive Swimming Robot Fish Toy

BlackHole’s robotic fish toys allow your cat
to safely “fish” in your home – without posing a risk to any real fish you may
have! This four-piece set comes with colorful robotic fish that can be placed
in any bowl of water for your cat to catch. As soon as they’re placed in water
the fins will start moving and the built-in lights will begin to flash
automatically, so all you need to do then is sit back and watch your cat’s
natural hunting abilities shine.

Petlinks Electronic Motion Cat Toys

Petlinks toys come in nine different designs,
giving you the flexibility to select the one that you think your cat will play
with most. If you’re not sure which to choose, we would recommend the ‘mystery
motion’ design. It has four different speeds that create the unpredictable
motion of the feather under the fabric ring that replicates the movements of
hidden prey.

We may be spending more time inside than
usual, but these toys are a great starting point to make sure that our pets
stay physically and mentally active.


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