5 Commandments for Kid-Friendly Decorating

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Designer Brooke Davenport and daughters Charlotte, 6, and Chloe, 13. Tour her bright white Los Angeles house. Photo by Victoria Pearson

Invest in Versatile Storage
“The key to a happy life with small children is having a plan for emergency cleanup: lots of concealed storage. I’ve got beautiful boxes throughout my apartment, so I can almost run my arm across a table, dump everything into the box, stash it, and replace it all with fresh flowers. Done!” —Celerie Kemble

Choose Upholstery You Can Easily Clean
“You can have soft upholstered chairs — just choose a great vinyl or pleather for the seat bottoms, so you can hose them down after meals.” —Elizabeth Martin

Bring Outdoor Fabrics Inside
“Use outdoor fabrics indoors in high-traffic areas. I love the Breathe Easy fabric by Great Plains. Its super-soft bouclé is reminiscent of a classic Chanel suit. And Dedar makes incredible faux leathers and suedes that are completely wipeable. They look great on walls, as well as furniture.” —Natasha Baradaran

Create More Floor Space
“Give kids a lot of floor space in their rooms. Push a twin-size bed against a wall the long way. With pillows stacked against the wall, it functions like a little sofa, and it doesn’t stick out in the room.”—Katie Ridder

Buy Antiques
“Don’t be afraid of antiques. They’ll survive your children. I have my grandmother’s chest of drawers, which holds everything from placemats to games. My kids are perfectly capable of pulling out a puzzle and closing the drawer without damaging it.” —Palmer Weiss

See more:
10 Family-Friendly Decorating Tips You Didn’t Know
Cool Kids’ Room Ideas
8 Ways to Create a Family-Friendly Kitchen
30+ Ways to Decorate Your Family Room

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