Why Cats Make Such Good Pets

Cats are very good pets as they don’t require as much attention as other options such as a dog. You don’t have to walk the cat and you don’t have to deal with it barking at everything that happens to walk by your home. Young cats are extremely playful and you can interact with them when you want to. However, most cats are content to play with toys or to be independent.

This doesn’t mean that cats aren’t excellent companions though. They can be silly at times and they often enjoy curling up on your lap and purring. Your cat won’t come running when you are home at the end of day and knock you over. They also don’t lick or bite so you won’t have to worry about how they will interact with others when you have company. Cats always seem to be able to tell when you need some comfort.

Taking care of a pet can help a child to become more responsible but some pets just come with too much time required. A cat makes a perfect choice for children because they tend to take care of themselves. As long as they are given sufficient food and water they will remain happy. Indoor cats will have to be trained to use a litter box but most of them learn very quickly so you won’t have to deal with cleaning up such messes around your home. However, you need to clean the litter box regularly because cats do not like to use a dirty litter box.

Cats are clean animals as they spend a large amount of time grooming themselves each day. In the majority of cases, cats lead a very happy and long life without too many problems. They don’t cost very much because cat food and litter are very cheap. They don’t require as many vet visits for routine shots either like dogs do which can become quite expensive.

For those that have problems with mice, cats make a great natural system for taking care of them. This means you won’t have to deal with messy traps or dangerous poisons around your home. Many cat owners claim they haven’t come across a mouse in their home for years with this line of defense.

Cats are very precious and beautiful animals as well. They have a gentle hum to them that can be relaxing for humans. They have coats in all colors as well as eyes that are very shiny and bright. Each cat has their own personality and you just can’t help but adore them. There are many breeds of cats if you want a particular kind but some of the most beautiful cats are those that are mixed breeds.

Cats are very smart animals too so they will quickly catch up to what you like from them and what you don’t based on the praise you give them. Contrary to popular belief, cats are obedient and they want their owner’s to be happy with them. They will learn fast that you don’t like them scratching on the furniture or putting their tail in your face while you are sleeping.


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