Puppy Potty Training- The 4 Reasons It Isn’t Working – Professional Dog Training Tips

– At our training facility
our instructors get to chat with hundreds of new puppy
owners every single month. And today I'm going to tell
you about the four most common, little oversights that people have, even when they're doing
everything else right, when it comes to house training. But those little oversights are completely de-railing their training. So we're gonna talk about that today. I'm Ken Steepe and welcome
back to McCann Dogs. (guitar strum) (puppy bark) If this is your first time on the channel and you consider your dog
a member of the family, then you're gonna want to
hit that subscribe button. We publish new videos every single week to help you spend some
quality time with your four-legged family member. Let's take care of the easy one first. And that's supervision inside. We all know that anytime you're
house training your puppy and you have them out of their crate, that you need to be
monitoring them closely. If they sneak away while
you're playing on your phone and they have an accident in the house, that's not their mistake. It's actually your mistake. So you need to be sure that every moment that puppy
is out of their crate, that you are engaged with them, you're watching them closely for any signs that maybe they need to go outside. And that leads to the second thing that I wanted to talk about. And that's the routine of
going inside and outside. Before you put your puppy in your crate for any length of time,
they need to go outside. If you come home from work
or you come get your puppy and you're gonna take them
out and have a play session, you need to immediately take that puppy up and take them outside. They're most likely to feel
like they have an opportunity to have an accident in the house, after they come out of their crate. And for puppies, a common
time to make a mistake is after a big play session. So maybe you've played
some tug with your puppy, or you know, played some response to name, or luring them around, or teaching them a new trick, or whatever. Once you've done playing
that play session, take them outside, let them have a piddle. Then you can bring them back
in and put them in their crate so they can have a rest. But it's really important
that after they've been up really high and have been really excited, that as they're coming
down, you've given them the opportunity to go outside so that they don't have
that accident in the house. Next let's talk about outside supervision. Now this is a really
important one and this is a very common place for
people to make a mistake, even though they think they're
doing everything right. When you go to take your puppy outside and allow them to go
outside to go for a pee, the last thing you want to be doing is sliding open that back door and allowing them out to the backyard, even though it's enclosed and it's safe, unsupervised. Puppies have really short attention spans and the last thing your puppy
is going to be thinking about is going pee, if there
are leaves blowing around, or maybe there's kids
playing beyond the fence, or maybe there's a dog
in the yard beside yours. You really don't want to let your puppy out of that back yard with
all those distractions when you know that your
intention is for them to go outside to have a pee. So attach your six foot leash and head outside with your puppy. You're gonna go to the area
that you want them to pee at in the future. Maybe you have a section of your yard or an area around your building
that you want your puppy to go at. And you're gonna head
out directly to that spot and stand totally still. You're not gonna engage with the puppy. You're just gonna let them go out there and find their spot and then have a pee. Now, if they still fail to have a pee, even if you're standing
out there with them and you've been totally quiet, it's not uncommon for
a puppy to, you know, all of a sudden, have
this burst of energy. So, the best thing you
can do at that point is scoop your puppy up. After you've given them a
long time to have their pee, you haven't been engaging, you're just gonna scoop them
up and take them inside. You're gonna put them
right back in their crate and close that door just
for a couple of minutes. Once your puppy realizes
that it's not up to them when it's time to play, you're gonna take your
puppy back out of that crate and straight back outside, doing
the same process as before. It's really important that your
puppy doesn't start to learn that every time I get to go
outside it's really, really fun. So whether I go pee,
or I play with a leaf, all I wanna do is get out there. Your puppy needs to know
that every time you're taking them outside to go have a pee, that they have a job to do. Now if you have a puppy
who's still having accidents inside their crate, then
it's time to take a look at what's inside their crate. Puppies can be real opportunists. So if you put your puppy
in a crate with a huge bed or a great big fluffy blanket, they're way more likely to
have an accident on that. If your puppy is going through
the house training process, it's best to not have
anything in their crate that they can pee on and
then stuff to the side. Now I know that we all
think that we need to have a great big bed for our puppy
so that they're comfortable. But nowadays, the plastic
crates are really comfortable on the bottom, very flat, and wire crates also have a plastic tray. But make sure that there is a flat surface on the bottom of your puppy's crate before you decide to
take their bedding out. For us, our puppies sort of earn the opportunity to have some bedding. And we might go from a
flat, plastic puppy crate once they've had a couple
of weeks of success, we'll put in like, a beach
towel or something like that. Now if you have any other
questions about house training or unusual situations, drop them in the comments below. We have a really active community and we're always checking
our comments section to see if we can help out our viewers. Now I really hope you
found this video helpful and I hope it speeds up
your house training process. If this is your first time on the channel, make sure you hit that subscribe button. We publish new videos every single week to help you spend some quality time with your four-legged family member. That card beside me is actually a playlist of videos that our Grade
One students have found really helpful and I think
you'll find it helpful too. On that note, I'm Ken, happy training. (instrumental music) ♪ I know you mean it ♪

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